Huge overhaul of how profiles work and how you can use them. Attacker profiles and defender profiles are gone. There is now only profiles, the mathhammer demands it...
- When adding/editing any profile you can now switch between 3 'form modes':
- All: shows all of the available profile fields, requires the most data.
- Attacker: show only the fields required to add a profile for use as an attacker.
- Defender: shows only the required & relevant fields for use as a defender.
- Profiles are now assigned roles: 'Attacker', 'Defender' or both. This is handled automatically depending on what fields have been populated for a given profile. Roles determine whether a profile can be selected as the active attacker or defender in a simulation. You can even have the same profile be the attacker and the defender!
- Profile roles are now displayed on the 'Manage profiles' page in their own table column.
- Starting from when you next use UnitCrunch, all profiles will have an 'updated' timestamp associated with them. This is displayed in a new column on the 'Manage profiles' page and is the default column for sorting the table.
- Profiles are now searchable/filterable on the 'Manage profiles' page.
- Attacker profiles and defender profiles are gone. There is now only 'profiles' and a profile can be an attacker or a defender or both! It all depends on what data you've provided and will update whenever you save a profile.
- All of your old profiles have been auto-migrated to the new system. You shouldn't need to do anything.
- When selecting an active profile, the list of available profiles will be sorted by the date they were last updated (most recent nearest the top).
- Demo profiles have been updated to take advantage of the new system. A handful have been removed. Most have just had more data added. Note that this will only be noticeable to new users or users that choose to re-import the demo profiles (careful now, this will clobber all of your existing profiles).
- Profile & weapon edit forms are now submitted when you hit the enter/return key.
- Profiles now require at least 1 weapon in order to be selected as an attacker.
- Dialogs are displayed fullscreen on mobile.
- Improved automated tests.
- Stability improvements.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Weapon abilities dialog now shows all weapon abilities rather than just the first 10.
- Corrected a few errors in some demo profiles - just stuff that was out of date following recent codex releases.
- Various minor bugs surrounding profile management that have only become apparent during this development sprint.