A bunch of "quality of life" improvements, caps on active modifiers/abilities and a hefty cull of initial demo profiles.
- Added 2 preset weapon abilities for your MathHammer convenience:
- "Wound roll of 6 (unmodified) : 1 mortal wound"
- "Wound roll of 6 : 1 mortal wound"
- These were both available in versions prior to v0.26. Not sure why I didn't get round to adding them as presets in the new system.
- Required form fields are now marked with an asterisk suffix for clarity.
- Modifier type definitions table now doubles as a UI for selecting the modifier type (just click a row and you'll select that type).
- Stability improvements.
- Performance improvements.
- Copy tweaks.
- A maximum of 4 weapon abilities can be added to a single weapon. Let me know if you have a use case that suggests I should raise this number.
- A maximum of 8 global modifiers can be active at once. I'll reduce this to 4 when we get profile abilities (as global modifiers are currently kinda catering for profile abilities until then).
- I've hugely reduced the number of initial demo profiles and edited the remaining few to use less GW-specific names. UnitCrunch has always been about enabling the user to create their own profiles to help answer their own MathHammer questions. The demo profiles were only ever a way to show off what UnitCrunch can do. In the future I aim to use more video & text content to handle more thorough demo requirements.