

Various tweaks informed by recent UX testing plus some other bits & bobs.


  • New UnitCrunch logo!
  • Added an "Always wound" preset modifier/ability.


  • Remind users to TYPE to search/filter the preset modifiers (everyone seems to just scroll which is crazy slow).
  • "Keywords" fields now automatically close when a value is selected. You can still select multiple values but you will have to click/tap the field once more to open it.
  • Only show the relevant fields/forms when adding/editing a profile from the "Crunch" page. Giving users the option to switch between forms would sometimes lead to correct but confusing validation issues. All forms/fields are still available when adding/editing a profile from the "Manage profiles" page.
  • Only display "Mortal wounds" column in "Most frequent results" table if any weapons have actually produced mortal wounds.