Ho ho ho! Looks like you've been pretty well-behaved this year. As such, UnitCrunch 0.35.0 presents a bulging stocking of new features, mostly focussed on modifiers & abilities, plus the usual spread of general improvements here & there.
- Toggle global modifiers!
- Modifiers can now buff/debuff toughness.
- Trigger effects on successful rolls.
- More options for modifiers triggering mortal wounds (hit rolls, dice notation).
- Global modifiers can now be individually toggled on and off. This makes quick comparisons easier and should help with measuring the impact of each global modifier that is in play.
- You can now modify toughness: "Toughness" has been added to the "Application" options when creating a modifier/ability of type "Relative modifier".
- Modifier conditions can now test if a hit or wound roll is successful.
- Hit rolls can now trigger mortal wounds: "Mortal wound(s)" is now a supported effect type for "Hit roll" conditions.
- Modifiers & abilities that trigger mortal wounds can now express those mortal wounds as dice notation (e.g. "D3 mortal wounds").
- Added preset global modifiers / weapon abilities:
- "Hit roll of 6 (unmodified) : 1 mortal wound"
- "Hit roll of 6 (unmodified) : 2 mortal wounds"
- "Successful hit roll : 1 mortal wound"
- Added preset global modifiers:
- "Toughness : +1"
- "Toughness : +2"
- "Toughness : -1"
- "Toughness : -2"
- "Hit roll of 6 (unmodified) : 2 mortal wounds (max 6) (attack sequence ends)"
- Added preset weapon abilities:
- "Wound roll of 6 (unmodified) : D3 mortal wounds"
- Inputs that support dice notation are now denoted by a dice icon.
- Performance improvements
- Stability improvements.
- UI & UX improvements.
- Removed the "Auto hit" weapon ability. This was always just an alias of "Always hit" which you can continue to use to the same effect.