Override modifiers should now work a lot better when stacked alongside other modifiers that affect the roll that they're overriding. Also added support for overriding "irrespective of attack modifiers".
- Added "Override irrespective of attack modifiers" checkbox on modifiers/abilities of type "Override requirements" (you'll need to have "Only (conditional)" selected as the "Override type").
- Added 2 new preset global modifiers:
- "Only wound on a 4+ (unmodified) (irrespective of attack modifiers)"
- "Only wound on a 3+ (unmodified) (irrespective of attack modifiers)"
- Added input masks to various form inputs (i.e. some form inputs will now prevent you from entering unwanted characters).
- The "Only" option under "Override type" has been renamed to "Only (conditional)" for consistency & clarity ("Override requirements" modifier).
- Improved input validation on all forms.
- Improved simulation performance.
- Removed "Reset" button from modifier/ability edit form.
- Removed 2 preset global modifiers:
- "Only wound on a 4+ (unmodified)"
- "Only wound on a 3+ (unmodified)"
- Stacking other modifiers alongside override modifiers that are based around "Only" should now work as expected.
- Prevent simulations from running if the value of "Simulations to perform" input is set to 0 and the page is then refreshed.
- Modifiers that set AP would show an empty "Effect value" when edited.