The modifier conditions system has been upgraded. It's now possible to build modifiers that evaluate an attack characteristic as a condition e.g. "Strength is less than 8 : reduce damage by 1".
- Modifier conditions are now chosen from a select list of options. Sometimes these appear as 2 select lists - one for required and one for optional.
- The new "Conditional effect" modifier type offers 2 required conditions to choose from:
- "Attack step roll": Offers the same functionality as the old "Roll for effect" modifier type (trigger an effect based on a roll condition).
- "Attack characteristic": Build modifiers that trigger an effect by evaluating an attack characteristic.
- The new "Attack characteristic" condition can evaluate the following characteristics at present: "AP", "Damage" & "Strength".
- The new "Attack characteristic" condition can evaluate using "less than", "equal to" and "more than" operators.
- The new "Attack characteristic" condition can evaluate a characteristic in various different states: "modified", "unmodified" and "pre-roll" (e.g. "D3" rather than 1, 2 or 3).
- Added the following new preset profile abilities:
- "Strength is less than 8 : reduce damage by 1 (if defender)"
- "Damage (pre-roll) is equal to 1 : improve armour save by 1 (if defender)"
- "AP is greater than -3 : set AP to 0 (if defender)"
- "AP is equal to -2 : set AP to 0 (if defender)"
- "AP is equal to -1 : set AP to 0 (if defender)"
- Added the following new preset global modifiers:
- "AP is greater than -3 : set AP to 0"
- "AP is equal to -2 : set AP to 0"
- "AP is equal to -1 : set AP to 0"
- Some modifier conditions are pre-selected and cannot be removed e.g. "Profile role" when editing a profile ability.
- Replaced "Roll for effect" modifier type with "Conditional effect".
- Replaced "Set effect" modifier type with "Modify (absolute)."
- Renamed "Relative modifier" modifier type to "Modify (relative)".
- Renamed some inputs within the "Attack step roll" condition when compared to the old "Roll for effect" modifier type. Hopefully these should still be fairly self-explanatory.
- "Keywords (excludes/includes)" conditions have been moved to "Optional conditions".
- "Attack type" profile ability condition has been moved to "Optional conditions".
- Improved input validation.
- Improved input masking.