0 42 0 | UnitCrunch




  • "Override requirements" is now available as a profile ability type.
  • Add "Grav: 2" & "Grav: 3" to the options under "Special" weapon abilities.
  • You can now specify whether auto-wound effects are to be treated as unmodified 6s or not when configuring a "Conditional effect" modifier. The default is to continue to treat auto-wounds as not having roll values.
  • Added the following new preset global modifiers:
    • "Hit roll of 6 (unmodified) : 1 auto-wound (treat as unmodified 6)"
  • Added the following new preset profile abilities:
    • "Only wound on a 3+ (unmodified) (irrespective of attack modifiers) (if defender)"
    • "Only wound on a 4+ (unmodified) (irrespective of attack modifiers) (if defender)"
  • Added the following new preset weapon abilities:
    • "Grav: 2"
    • "Grav: 3"
    • "Hit roll of 6 (unmodified) : 1 auto-wound (treat as unmodified 6)"


  • Renamed the "Grav" weapon ability to "Grav: D3" (and updated all related preset & custom abilities).
  • Warn users that have local storage disabled in their browser (UnitCrunch requires local storage to function).
  • Performance improvements.