

QOL updates after "dogfooding" my own app. Nothing too crazy here, just improvements that I made during recent personal use.


  • "Modify (absolute)" is now available as a profile ability.
  • "Modify (absolute)" can now be used to modify "BS", "WS" & "Save roll" when used as a profile ability ("Damage" can still be modified when used as a weapon ability).
  • The "Damage" value input on "Modify (absolute)" abilities now accepts dice notation.
  • Added the following new preset profile ability:
    • "Hit roll : -1 (if defender)"
  • Added the following new preset weapon abilities:
    • "Always wound on a 4+ (unmodified) (VEHICLE only)"
    • "Hit roll of 6 (unmodified) : 1 auto-wound (excludes VEHICLE)"


  • Improved input masking & validation on "Modify (absolute)" abilities.
  • Only show attacker weapon checkboxes if there's >1 weapon displayed.
  • Each profile's roles are now sorted alphabetically on the "Manage profiles" page.
  • "Manage profiles" > "Roles" column is no longer sortable (this never made much sense).