

"Range" modifier condition, re-worked melta, QOL updates & bugfixes etc.


  • Added "Range" as an option under "Required condition" ("Conditional effect" weapon abilities only). This is now how you model "melta-like" abilities. You now have full control over the buffed damage value (with support for dice notation).
  • Added the following new preset weapon abilities:
    • "Within half range : set damage to D6+2"
    • "Within half range : set damage to D6+4"
  • Added the following new preset profile abilities:
    • "Deny invuln (if attacker)"


  • Profile abilities now have access to the "Special" modifier type (previously only available to weapon abilities). Currently, this only grants access to the "Deny invuln" option (turns out this is relevant to more than just individual weapons).
  • More compact chart tooltips.
  • Modifier effect value will default to the min or max if one is available when setting for the first time.
  • Copy tweaks.


  • Removed all melta variants from "Weapon ability > Special > Options".
  • Removed the following preset weapon abilities:
    • "Melta: D6+2"
    • "Melta: D6+4"
    • "Melta: legacy"
  • Automatically updated any existing use of "Melta: *" weapon abilities to use the new equivalents. Any occurrences of "Melta: legacy" have been migrated to "Within half range : set damage to D6+2" as a best guess.


  • The median wasn't always successfully calculated at very low simulation counts (e.g. <5).
  • The cumulative frequency of the median isn't always available at very low simulation counts (e.g. <5). In these cases it's no longer displayed in summarised results.
  • Adding an optional condition and then removing it made it not re-selectable until another optional condition had been selected.
  • "0D6" and "0D3" is no longer considered valid dice notation (it's nonsense).
  • "1D6" and "1D3" is no longer considered valid dice notation (it's redundant).
  • "+0" is no longer considered a valid suffix in dice notation (it's redundant).