0 48 0 | UnitCrunch



Added "Improve damage" conditional effect. Lots of improvements around weapon selection. Catch errors on a wonky update and offer useful options.


  • Added an "Improve damage" effect option to "Conditional effect" modifiers/abilities.
  • Added the following new preset profile abilities:
    • "Wound roll of 6 (unmodified) : improve damage by 1 (if attacker) (melee only)"
  • Added a new system for catching any errors when trying to update local data. This offers the user helpful options rather than just getting stuck. Options include:
    • Send an error report to the developer (very helpful, please do this).
    • Download a backup of your profile data to file (this is a copy of the data before any updates are applied).
    • Reset UnitCrunch to get unstuck and crack on with some MathHammer (wipes local data including profiles - maybe download a backup first).


  • Exported profiles will now include which weapons a profile has selected. This information will be restored when importing these profiles.
  • Cloning a profile will now clone which weapons the source profile had selected.
  • Weapons are now selected by default when added to a profile.
  • If an attacker profile only has a single weapon compatible with the current attack type (melee/ranged) and that weapon is unselected, it will now be automatically selected.
  • Improved centralised "toast" notifications system (triggers on successful operations such as loading profiles etc).


  • All profile weapons will be marked as selected immediately after upgrading or after importing a file that was exported from a version of UnitCrunch before v0.48.0. This is expected and should only happen in these 2 circumstances.


  • It was previously possible under very specific circumstances, to end up with a single unselected weapon on an attacker profile, therefore preventing the simulation from running (and without being able to select the weapon unless jumping through some obscure hoops). Steps have been taken to prevent this edge case from happening.