This release makes a change to how UnitCrunch behaves based on how the community apparently plays a specific rules interaction and that's fine. I weathered some online abuse while trying to get to the bottom of this rules interaction, that's not fine. This community really sucks sometimes. I know it's "rules lawyering", I know it's "nit picky", but this is a MathHammer tool - it's in my interest and yours that it's accurate where reasonably possible. I'm not going to apologise for that.
- DEVASTATING WOUNDS now uses the attack's modified damage rather than the unmodified damage when calculating the number of mortal wounds. The rules are a bit fuzzy here but I believe that this is the intention at least.
- Changed the "Mortal wounds" effect checkbox to now read "Match attack's modified 'Damage' characteristic" (despite DEVASTATING WOUNDS using the weapon's damage characteristic, which can't be modified - whatever).