Ho ho ho... QOL updates & support for psychic gubbins (result of a recent feature poll on Discord).
- Added "Psychic" option to the "Special" modifier effect.
- Added "Psychic attack" modifier condition.
- "Invulnerable save" & "Feel no pain" effects are now available to global modifiers.
- The "Generate extras" effect is now available when using the "Remained stationary" condition.
- The "Special" effect is now available when using the "Remained stationary" or "Attack type" condition.
- Added the following preset weapon abilities:
- "Psychic" (alias: "PSYCHIC")
- "Hit roll of 5+ (unmodified) : critical hit"
- Added the following preset profile abilities:
- "Feel no pain 4+ (if attack is psychic)"
- "Feel no pain 5+ (if attack is psychic)"
- "Re-roll all damage results of 1 (if attacker)"
- "Hit roll of 5+ (unmodified) : critical hit (if attacker)"
- Added the following preset global modifiers:
- "Feel no pain 4+ (if attack is psychic)"
- "Feel no pain 5+ (if attack is psychic)"
- "Re-roll all damage results of 1"
- "4++ invuln save"
- Attacker & defender selection inputs are now buttons and not text inputs. This saves a bunch of screen space, especially on mobile.
- Hide “Damage not ignored” column & tab when there's no "Feel no pain" in the mix.
- Avoid modifier descriptions where "if attacker/defender" is mentioned more than once in sequence.
- Global modifiers are now updated & preserved when UnitCrunch updates your saved data as part of a new release (starts when updating to >= 0.60.0 from >= 0.59.0).
- Increase "Save" characteristic maximum value to 8.
- Profiles with ranged & melee weapons could show an empty "Abilities" column.
- Ensure modifier aliases can always be re-enabled after being un-checked.
- "Wound type" condition would have no effect on the modifier description if used. Re-saving any affected modifiers should fix the modifier description.
- Testing: korzxd