Various guff...
- Added "Extra attacks" option to "Special" modifier effect.
- Added "Apply to weapons with the EXTRA ATTACKS ability" checkbox to "Increase weapon attacks" effect (defaults to unchecked). Existing modifiers have been updated to not have this checkbox checked.
- You can now clone model types within a unit.
- "Wound type" condition is now available to global modifiers.
- The "Psychic attack" condition is now available to more effects:
- "Generate extras"
- "Mortal wounds"
- "Override requirements"
- Added preset profile ability: "+1 to hit roll (if attacker)"
- Added new FAQ: "Why is 'Damage not ignored' lower than expected?"
- Removed the following, now-redundant, preset modifiers:
- "+3 to damage"
- "+3 to strength"
- "-3 to armour save roll"
- "-3 to damage"
- "-3 to save roll"
- "-3 to strength"
- "Degrade AP by 3"
- "Degrade BS by 3"
- "Degrade WS by 3"
- "Hit roll of 6 (unmodified) : 1 mortal wound"
- "Hit roll of 6 (unmodified) : 2 mortal wounds (max 6) (attack sequence ends)"
- "Hit roll of 6 (unmodified) : 2 mortal wounds"
- "Improve AP by 3"
- "Improve BS by 3"
- "Improve WS by 3"
- "Successful hit roll : 1 mortal wound"
- "Wound roll of 6 (unmodified) : 1 mortal wound (max 6)"
- "Wound roll of 6 (unmodified) : 2 mortal wounds (attack sequence ends)"
- "Wound roll of 6 (unmodified) : improve AP by 3"
- Preset profile ability "Degrade AP by 1" replaced with "Degrade AP by 1 (if defender)".
- Possible incorrect sims timeout when using a modifier that checks if the attack is psychic.
- Testing: korzxd