How does UnitCrunch calculate results?
UnitCrunch performs a single simulation by proceeding through the steps of an attack sequence just as you would on the tabletop. The difference is that UnitCrunch can't roll real dice and so has to randomly generate numbers to represent dice rolls.
The results of each step are recorded along with the outcomes of the sequence. The entire simulation is then performed again, as if for the first time, for as many times as you specify. Once all of the simulations have been performed and recorded, the results are counted, analysed and displayed.
A simulation like this, that has variables that can change randomly is often referred to as a "stochastic simulation". By repeating this simulation many times over and recording the results every time, we can use the "Monte Carlo" method to estimate the most frequent value of any of the random variables involved. This is what enables UnitCrunch to estimate the most frequent result for a variety of different aspects of an attack sequence.