How does UnitCrunch handle re-rolling damage?

Programming optimal damage re-rolls is really hard. UnitCrunch has made a few assumptions & simplifications in order to offer damage re-rolls:

  • The result that you set as the trigger for a re-roll (using either a single value or a range) is the result of the applied dice notation. E.g. If your weapon does D3+3 damage and you only want to re-roll minimum damage, you need to target a result of 4 (a D3 roll of 1 + 3). Using the same weapon as a further example, if you wanted to re-roll all but the maximum damage you would set a range of 4–5.
  • Re-rolls applied as global modifiers or profile abilities are applied to every weapon a unit has selected, in the order that the weapons are listed. If you want re-rolls to only be activated for specific weapons, apply them as weapon abilities to just those weapons instead.
  • Re-rolls that can only be applied once to a single roll will be used as soon as their criteria is met (e.g. as soon as a result of 1–2 is rolled or whatever you've specified).
  • If a unit has access to both a "single-use" re-roll (as described above) as well as a "multi-use" re-roll (e.g. re-roll all results of 1), UnitCrunch will always try to avoid wasting the "single-use" re-roll on a roll where an available "multi-use" re-roll can be applied.
  • Considerations such as how many wounds the target has left or "whether it's worth re-rolling this weapon's damage against that dreadnought given it's -1 damage de-buff" are beyond UnitCrunch's reasonable capabilities and are best left to the tabletop.